Convert your dreams into reality without exhausting your available funds. Just spare a fixed sum every month and save the same for your future generation to buy jewellery from one of our company branch VBC Jewellers located at Panangal Park chennai.
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VBC JEWELLERS is a firm of jewellers, coming from the famous HOUSE OF VUMMIDI.As traditional Jewellers we enjoy a good cliental on tailor made articles, and have reputation with good amounts of Temples, Samasthanas and Trusts for whom we Specialize on Jewels, Studded Items, Silver Vessels, Ornaments, Base Plates (Peetam) Crowns (Kireetam) Shields (Kavachams) Signs (Vel, Trishul, Sanku, Chakras etc). and make to suite perfectly to the Model or Idol by our traditionally trained craftsmen, artists. We also make Silver, Gold and Enamel Plated items according to the requirement and design.The firm has also obtained a Licence for Hall Marking from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).